SSG iTec

Reliable software solutions

SSG e-Voting is an electronic cloud based voting system. It can be used independently or as a part of SSG platform. In 2016 thousands of people have voted using it at the congress of one of the biggest parliament political parties in Greece!

Your members will be able to vote electronically using their mobile devices and their members' card. The cross-platform app is working in both Android  and iOS  devices. An option for a Windows Mobile app is also available. Databases such as MySQL, Oracle Google Cloud SQL are supported as part of the backend system. 

Create a new voters database or use the platform system, upload the app in Google’s Play Store and Apple’s App Store   and you are ready! The app is studied and designed in a way that it fully takes advantage of mobiles’ special features. Scanning card’s QR-code with your mobile's device camera is all what you need to enter e-Voting’s environment.

No member’s card? No problem!
SSG's e-Voting system also works perfectly in any browser. No app needed.
Just enter member’s voting ID in browser's login page where the e-voting is hosted 
and you are in!

Wondering if you can use both methods at the same time?
  • Of course you can!

Can I create polls with the e-Voting system?
  • Yes! Creating a poll voting is another SSG's e-Voting system feature.

What about front-end’s functionality? 

Your members can see your event’s program, change their voting PIN code and of course vote when the voting starts and see the results when the voting ends! Moreover some exceptional features are there to help make your voting event even better.
  • Calendar: You can announce the elections through a calendar! All details such date time, description are there, and if the e-voting procedure will take place in a physical place as part of an event a navigating map is available!
  • Subscriptions Payment: Imagine that your members should have pay a fee or a subscription in or order to be able to vote. Can they pay through the app? Yes! The app offers payment methods such as PayPal or credit cards payment bank processors.   
  • Live Audio/Video Streaming: Another fantastic feature! You can have an audio streaming coverage of the event. All members can hear live announcements, speeches, and even music at the event’s breaks, inside app.Video streaming is also available if needed!

What about security?

Using SSL will prevent a man in the middle attack. Moreover we highly propose to use a very secure cloud service such as Google Cloud Services   to prevent a server attack.

And what happens if a member loses his card or someone else knows his voting ID?

Voting IDs can be disabled. Furthermore using the PIN code before entering the vote in the ballot box will ensure that no one else will vote instant of you, even if your voting ID is not disabled.


What about voting validity? Are the results accurate and incontrovertible?

SSG’s e-Voting system is using ballot box cryptography as well as validation codes. Ballot box private and public keys will be created from the election committee. Public key will be given when voting starts and private key when voting ends. Hash codes are also used for validation purposes. 

No one can interfere and no one can known the current result when voting is in progress!

And what about keys?

Election committee can easily create a set of public/private voting keys using the keys generator utility. This utility creates the set of key using the well known free open source software OpenSSL. It actually executes the following command:

openssl req -x509 -days 365 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout private-key.txt -nodes -out public.key 

The extra feature is that the private key will be protected with a password created by combing a set of PINs that each member of the election committee will provide. This is a kind of electronic signature which ensures that all election committee member are aware of the e-Voting procedure.

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